Get Answers to Frequently Asked Questions


Have a question? Get answers here. If you cannot find the answer to your question, please visit our Contact Us page for assistance.

  • A Basic account is completely free to set up on WhinnyClicks and posting basic ads. A Platinum-Plus account allows you to post unlimited featured ads for 30 days, have your ads show up above basic ads, and your ads will be marketed on social media.

  • Please email [email protected] for assistance. If you lost your password, you can reset your password on the Login page.

  • Ads typically post instantly, but sometimes can take a few hours to show up on the site. If you don't see your ad after a few hours, please email [email protected]. We will be able to look at the back-end up the site.

  • If you've been scammed, you will need to call your local police. Please also email [email protected] and provide the Seller's information so that we can block the user from accessing our site. Unfortunately, WhinnyClicks cannot refund any money lost due to scams.

  • If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Keep this in mind as you're browsing horses for sale. Fake contact information, such as phone numbers that do not work, are good indicators of scams.

  • WhinnyClicks is a classifieds website that brings together horse buyers and sellers in a modern format. We do not control any interactions between buyers and sellers, we do not take commissions or profits from the sale of horses, and we do not manually approve every listing on the site. Please use your discretion when browsing WhinnyClicks or any other horse marketplace.

  • Posting an ad on WhinnyClicks is simple. You will first need to register for an account by providing a valid email address. Next, you will need to verify your email address by clicking on the verification link sent to your email. From there, log into your account. You're now ready to post free or Platinum-Plus ads. If you'd like your ad to be featured, please visit our "Try Premium" page.

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