What is Reining? A Comprehensive Guide to this Exciting Equine Sport

What is Reining? A Comprehensive Guide to this Exciting Equine Sport

Reining is an exciting equine sport that showcases the natural athletic ability and training of horses. Originating in the Western United States, this competitive discipline involves a series of intricate maneuvers that test the horse and rider’s proficiency in a number of skills, including sliding stops, spins, and rollbacks. Whether you’re a seasoned equestrian or simply a fan of horsemanship, learning about reining can provide a deeper appreciation for the artistry and skill involved in this dynamic sport. In this article, we’ll delve into the history, benefits, and types of reining competitions, providing a comprehensive guide to this exciting equine discipline.

What is Reining?

Reining is a type of horseback riding that originated in the Western United States. It is a competitive discipline that involves a series of precise and intricate maneuvers that showcase the horse’s athleticism, responsiveness, and obedience.

Reining horses are trained to execute a series of intricate maneuvers, such as sliding stops, rollbacks, and spins, on command. These maneuvers require a great deal of training and skill from both the horse and the rider.

The History of Reining

The origins of reining can be traced back to the working cowboys of the American West, who needed horses that were able to maneuver quickly and accurately in order to herd and control cattle. Over time, these skills were developed into the competitive discipline of reining that we know today.

Reining as a competitive discipline began to take shape in the 1940s and 1950s, with the formation of organizations such as the National Reining Horse Association (NRHA) and the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA). These organizations established the rules and regulations for reining competitions and promoted the growth of the sport.

In 1966, reining was officially recognized as a discipline by the AQHA, and in 1998 it was added as a discipline at the World Equestrian Games. Today, reining continues to grow in popularity and is a well-respected and highly competitive equestrian discipline.

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Benefits of Reining for Horse and Rider

There are many benefits to participating in the sport of reining, both for the horse and the rider. Some of the benefits include:

  • Improved horsemanship skills: Reining requires a high level of skill and proficiency from both the horse and the rider. Participating in reining can help riders develop their horsemanship skills and improve their ability to communicate with their horses.
  • Enhanced athleticism and obedience: Reining horses are trained to execute a series of intricate maneuvers on command. This training helps to develop the horse’s athleticism and obedience and can help to improve the horse’s overall health and well-being.
  • Increased confidence and trust: The horse-human partnership is an important aspect of reining. Participating in reining can help to build trust and confidence between the horse and rider and can create a stronger bond between the two.
  • Social and competitive opportunities: Reining competitions allow riders to meet and interact with like-minded individuals and compete against each other in a fun and friendly environment.
  • Mental and physical challenge: Reining is a challenging sport that requires focus, concentration, and coordination from both the horse and the rider. Participating in reining can help to improve mental and physical skills and can provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

Overall, reining offers many benefits for both horses and riders. It is a challenging and rewarding sport that continues to grow in popularity.

Types of Reining Competitions

Reining competitions are held at all levels, from local shows to national and international events. Competitions are judged on the accuracy and execution of the maneuvers, as well as the horse’s overall performance and demeanor.

There are several different types of reining competitions, including:

  1. Local shows: These are smaller, local events that are often open to both amateur and professional riders.
  2. Regional competitions: These events are held at the regional level and are typically open to riders of all skill levels.
  3. National competitions: These events are held at the national level and are typically open to riders who have qualified through regional competitions.
  4. International competitions: These events are held at the international level and often attract the top riders and horses from around the world.

One of the most prestigious events in the reining world is the National Reining Horse Association (NRHA) Futurity, which takes place every year in Oklahoma. The Futurity is a major event for young horses and riders and is considered a stepping stone to the top levels of the sport.


Overall, reining is a unique and exciting discipline that highlights the incredible abilities of the horse, as well as the skill and partnership of the rider. It is a challenging and rewarding sport that continues to grow in popularity.
